Monday, March 2, 2009

Ryan Adams & /The Cardinals 5-09-09 Fl.Theatre ,Jacksonville ,Fl.

Before the Ryan Adams and the Cardinals show,There was a young guy sitting on stage playing 45s on a turntable not a new style turntable but a 45 small plater turntable,it was very cool,he played some great old 50s and 60s rocka billi tunes ,and as the song was playing ,he was in to as he rocked to the tunes he was playing ,he would ramble threw a big stack of other 45s in his lap and pull one out of the stack for the next play that hit him in the mood.
Ryan Adams and the Cardinals what a band,there sound is like nother other band,Ryan Adams is one of a kind artist,It was a pleaser seeing him and hearing him play sing and he just put on a great concert.The band is so great very tight,great stage presents.
Great crowd,very respectful ,not much talking ,the audio could have been better.Ryan and band played for about 2hr.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Did you have good seats for this?
Did he quit?